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​"What's is your legacy going to be?

​ What will you be handing down to the future generations? Is it going to have monetary worth? Or is it going to be tradition? Is it ...

What will you be handing down to the future generations? Is it going to have monetary worth? Or is it going to be tradition? Is it going to be something that will be found in history books or in the archives. 

Legacies start from wanting to change the world, giving power to the powerless, giving choices to the suppressed.....bringing changes in our world. We imagine ourselves in a rallies taking a stance, helping to make a law and then seeing the laws being implemented......changing the future. We see are ourselves travelling the world and make acquisitions to add to our portfolios. We want to sit on the beaches and paint sunsets and climb the highest peaks of mountains and change our perspectives. We want to inspire, create and liberate.  That's how we want to be remembered.  

But for some something even greater has happened. Our search has led us to an even greater legacy. A legacy that has led us to find ourselves, our limits, our threshold, our patience and define who we are. A journey that has led us to have a piece of ourselves in another being. A movement that has given us the power to shape the minds of the future thinkers and to use all that we have learnt in the lessons through life to groom and nurture them.

Our Legacy is being a PARENT. Parenthood is a journey unlike any other. It's foundation is the love that we will give to our children that will be embodied in them for the rest of their lives. Our gift to them is that we will give them "our all" and bring them to their feet and then let them soar high, beyond our expectations. Our legacy will be the bond that will bind them together forever for years to come even when we will no longer be around. Our legacy will be them......our children....that's how we will be remembered. So remember you are someone's legacy and your children will be yours."