What is Corruption: Corruption is the phenomenon of moral or economical deviation from the ideal. Corruption is a world-wide social diseas...
What is Corruption:
Corruption is the phenomenon of moral or economical deviation from the ideal. Corruption is a world-wide social disease which has spread like jungle fire and impacting millions of lives every day consequently polluting every society.
What are different Types of Corruption:
· Financial Corruption (frauds in terms of money, land, tax or any other economical domain)
· Relationship Corruption (Unfair treatment, depriving from the rights, backbiting etc)
· Self Corruption (short cuts in life, negative deeds etc)
· Character Corruption (de-faming someone, back biting, gossips etc)
· Atmospheric Corruption (throwing garbage in streets, not having the car serviced now and then, using old engine high-smoke vehicles)
· Social Corruption: traffic signal violation, queue breaking,
Am I corrupt?
Do I reach office later? Or leave office early? Do I use facilities provided by office for my personal use (for which office does not know)? Do I break the queue at any public place? Do I violate traffic signal? Do I throw the garbage/bags/stickers at any public place? Do I pay the tax/zakat honestly? If answer to any of these question is Yes, then yes you I am corrupt.
Always remember, If I am violating any law by any means then I am promoting the disease of corruption. For example, if I violate the red signal on the road or violate the queue at any public place then a lot of people observing me will tend to do this whenever and wherever they get a chance. So, in the long run, I am equally responsible for the bad deeds done by others.
How to eradicate / reduce corruption:
· Assurance of Law and order.
· Equal Treatment of all human beings at all level.
· Proper Control of documents, records and processes to have solid grip on activities at all levels.
· Timely audits and investigations to be done at all levels of personal/official/business level.
· Punishments examples to be set so that others can stay away from bad deeds.
· Keep clarity and transparency at all levels starting from the formulation of the programs / projects / schemes / welfare measures / mechanism with the full participation of all the stakeholders. This article written by Junaid (mjunaidtahir at gmail dot com – feel free to commnent)
· Anti corruption squads to be more active. Bribery should be punished immediately.
· Justice to be ensured. It is said, Justice delayed is Justice denied.
· Legal restrictions and regulations need to be in place
What is my role in all this
· · I shall stop whoever I observe doing corruption. I shall not only complain when corruption is done against me, but I shall speak up all the times regardless who is the subject & object of the corruption. The article written by Junaid (mjunaidtahir at gmail dot com – feel free to commnent)
· I shall teach my friends and family members (including kids) about bad consequences of corruption.
Article Ref: 0005-mjunaidtahir-paradigmwisdom-08Jan12- Am_i_Corrupt?_A_self-analysis_article
*M Junaid Tahir