Do you know 5 awesome favours to us by اللّه Subhana Ta'ala ?.. The shaytaan is very active in his design to break you at these...
Do you know 5 awesome favours to us by اللّه Subhana Ta'ala ?..
The shaytaan is very active in his design to break you at these times....
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Ask اللّه Subhana Ta'ala all ur needs during this time, for, duas are automatically accepted!
are kept on our necks & shoulders & when we bow down to make
the ruku' & sujud, they fall like how leaves fall down from trees.
So stay long while in ruku' & sujud!
Ta'ala to forgive us whenever we finish each salaah? So please stay
long after salaah, don't rush out & leave immediately!
How Merciful & Loving our Allah Azza Wa Jal is. Always Giving us so many opportunities to be forgiven & protected.
يا رب اللهم ارحمني وأنت خير الراحمين
Ya Rabb, Allahumma arhamni wa
anta Arham-mar-Rahimeen.
Oh Lord, Oh Allah have mercy on me & YOU are the best of those who show mercy.
آمـــــــــين يا رب العالمـ