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تازہ ترین


Hadith: Woman in Mosque

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Friday Prayer Volumn 002, Book 013, Hadith Number 023. ----------------------------------------- Narated By Ibn U...

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Friday Prayer

Volumn 002, Book 013, Hadith Number 023.
Narated By Ibn Umar

Razi Allah Anhu
: One of the wives of Umar (bin Al-Khattab) used to offer the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayer in congregation in the Mosque. She was asked why she had come out for the prayer as she knew that Umar
Razi Allah Anhu
disliked it, and he has great ghaira (self-respect). She replied, "What prevents him from stopping me from this act?" The other replied, "The statement of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) : 'Do not stop Allah's women-slave from going to Allah s Mosques' prevents him."