Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Characteristics Of Prayer Volumn 001, Book 012, Hadith Number 734. ----------------------------------------- Nara...
Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Characteristics Of Prayer
Volumn 001, Book 012, Hadith Number 734.
Narated By Al-Bara
Volumn 001, Book 012, Hadith Number 734.
Narated By Al-Bara
Razi Allah Anhu
: The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him
was on a journey and recited in one of the first two Rakat of the 'Isha' prayer "Wat-tini waz-zaituni." (95) Note: Compliance with sunnah will lead us to success which has been confirmed in several Ayata from Quran. May Allah guide me and all of us.