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Hadith: Saying your prayer slowly

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Characteristics Of Prayer Volumn 001, Book 012, Hadith Number 782.  -------------------------...

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Characteristics Of Prayer

Volumn 001, Book 012, Hadith Number 782. 
Narated By Abu Qilaba : Once Malik bin Huwairith said to his friends, "Shall I show you how Allah's Apostle used to offer his prayers?" And it was not the time for any of the compulsory congregational prayers. So he stood up (for the prayer) bowed and said the Takbir, then he raised his head and remained standing for a while and then prostrated and raised his head for a while (sat up for a while). He prayed like our Sheikh 'Amr Ibn Salama. (Aiyub said, "The latter used to do a thing which I did not see the people doing i.e. he used to sit between the third and the fourth Rak'a). IMalik bin Huwairith said, "We came to the Prophet (after embracing Islam) and stayed with him. He said to us, 'When you go back to your families, pray such and such a prayer at such and such a time, pray such and such a prayer at such and such a time, andwhen there is the time for the prayer then only of you should pronounce the Adhan for the prayer and the oldest of you should lead the prayer.

M Junaid Tahir

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