Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Prayers (Salat) Volumn 001, Book 008, Hadith Number 368. ----------------------------------------- Nar...
Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Prayers (Salat)
Volumn 001, Book 008, Hadith Number 368.
Narated By 'Aisha RA: Allah's Apostle PBUH used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized
Volumn 001, Book 008, Hadith Number 368.
Narated By 'Aisha RA: Allah's Apostle PBUH used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized
On 29 April 2012 15:31, Junaid Tahir <> wrote:
Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Prayers (Salat)
Volumn 001, Book 008, Hadith Number 368.
Narated By 'Aisha RA: Allah's Apostle PBUH used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.