Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Divorce Volumn 007, Book 063, Hadith Number 197. ----------------------------------------- Narated By Ibn 'A...
Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Divorce
Volumn 007, Book 063, Hadith Number 197.
Narated By Ibn 'Abbas : The wife of Thabit bin Qais came to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I do not blame Thabit for defects in his character or his religion, but I, being a Muslim, dislike to behave in un-Islamic manner (if I remain with him)." On that Allah's Apostle said (to her), "Will you give back the garden which your husband has given you (as Mahr)?" She said, "Yes." Then the Prophet said to Thabit, "O Thabit! Accept your garden, and divorce her once."