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تازہ ترین


What Is Your Most Important Concern

Hasan Al-Basri RA said: "When salah is the least of your concerns, then what is your most important concern?  As much as you fix your...

Hasan Al-Basri RA said: "When salah is the least of your concerns, then what is your most important concern? 

As much as you fix your salah, your life will be fixed. 

Did you not know that salah was equated with Success: 'Come to Prayer, Come to Success.' How can you ask Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) for success when you are not responding to His right upon you?"

If you are wondering why there is a delay in your sustenance, in your marriage, in your work, in your he​alth , look into your salah: are you delaying it?