Sea Water
Abu Hurairah (RA) said: "A man asked the prophet (peace be upon him): 'O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), we travel by ...
Abu Hurairah (RA) said: "A man asked the prophet (peace be upon him): 'O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), we travel by ...
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah (RA) that: the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "There are three supplications that ...
Salman bin Amir Dabbi (RA) narrated that: the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Charity given to the poor is charity, and t...
If I don’t pray Witr prayer is my Isha still valid? Today's Beautiful Hadith is about Guidance Narrated Ibn Jarir...
حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے ایک ہزار سال پیشتر یمن کا بادشاہ تُبّع خمیری تھا، ایک مرتبہ وہ اپنی سلطنت کے دورہ کو نکلا، بارہ ہزار ع...
It was narrated from Aishah (RA) that: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does ...
2 : سورة البقرة 185 شَہۡرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِیۡۤ اُنۡزِلَ فِیۡہِ الۡقُرۡاٰنُ ہُدًی لِّلنَّاسِ وَ بَیِّنٰتٍ مِّنَ الۡہُدٰی وَ الۡفُر...
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA) said: "O you people! You recite this Ayah: Take care of you...